Always copy a comment with formatting intact (This includes new lines and paragraph breaks). Use 'source' on RES to avoid stuff like linked '' and ''ĭo not add quotation blocks in your copypasta. Please label original content as or the commenters will spam about the source.Ĭopypasta which takes advantage of /u/CummyBot2000 in any way, shape or form is strictly prohibited and violators will be banned. Posts that contain 'For every upvote I will _' and other upvote begging posts will be removed as they are not copypasta and the posters will be banned This includes ninja-editing to make it look like cummy is saying something different than the OP post. Posts along the lines of 'X but with Y replaced' are considered low effort and may be removed. Make sure to tag posts with the spoiler tag and use the spoiler tag for comments. The sidebar has examples on how to do this.Įncouraging brigading or linking to brigading will get you banned.